My favorite delusion: you have to be delulu to get anything crazy done. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

As Kobe put it, “Job’s not finished.” The difference between crazy and visionary is consistency.

Writing is fighting entrophy in hopes of conjuring something useful. Writing is a tool to process ideas into better ideas. My favorite way to reframe success is getting access to better ideas.

The best way to get access to better ideas is to get access to curious minds.

I found Claude to have an incredibly curious mind. It’s incredibly skilled at synthesizing ideas and articulating them precisely, and quickly. I can’t think of a more accessible way to get better ideas than getting feedback from Claude.

Curiosity is the compound interest for an interesting life. It will guide you far and wide. But who guides your curiosity if not the content you consume? Self-driving curiosity, with content as the fuel.

I want to live a simple life of a farmer. A content farmer. Productivity is getting better ideas: consuming better content to create better content. The goal of a content farmer simple: keep improving their search and learning capabilites. Keep farming content.

Agency for creative expression is the greatest predictor for fulfillment.

Values are conditioned by real-life tradeoffs. My sense of self-worth is conditioned by how well I meet my expectations. We should value our time and health more.

My well-being is conditioned by the expectations I’ve priced in. I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations, you are not in this world to live up to mine. Price that in.

Replace fear and scarcity with trust and abundance. Start from a place of agency and gratitude. It helps to be a short term skeptic, and long-term optimist.

Agency is a privilege that demands sacrifice. There’s alpha in being uniquely likabale. Mid experiences are valid. Incomplete ideas are the best. The evolution of collective consciousness is preee cool.

Be kind to yourself, and to your curiosity.