Curiosity is the compound interest of an interesting life. By consistently investing in your desire to learn and grow, you’re not just exploring new ideas – you’re compounding your knowledge and skills in ways that will pay dividends for decades to come.

Think of curiosity as a high-yield investment with an incredible margin of safety. Its intrinsic value far exceeds any short-term costs, meaning that even if some of your curious pursuits don’t pan out, you’ll still come out ahead in the long run. By consistently betting on your curiosity, you’re building a robust portfolio of experiences and insights that will serve you well in any market conditions.

But cultivating curiosity isn’t just about personal growth – it’s also about protecting your ability to do great work. By intentionally creating the conditions that allow for exploration and experimentation, you’re giving yourself the freedom to follow your interests wherever they lead, even if that means defying convention or charting an unconventional path.

This requires patience and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. It means having the courage to pursue your passions relentlessly, trusting that the compound interest of your efforts will add up to something extraordinary over time.

So think of cultivating curiosity as a form of dollar-cost averaging for your mind. By consistently investing in your desire to learn and grow, you’re smoothing out the short-term fluctuations and ensuring a strong return on your investment of time and energy over the long run.

But let’s face it – in the long run, we’re all dead. Life is absurd, and we work so hard to find meaning and purpose in our brief time on this earth. Embrace the absurdity and invest in the things that truly matter to you.

Cultivate unapologetic love for curiosity to do great work. The path of is uncharted, but the destination will be uniquely and undeniably yours.