In the digital age, the battle for control over information and abstractions has given rise to two distinct classes: the hacker class and the vectoralist class. While hackers seek to create and manipulate abstractions freely, the vectoralist class aims to monopolize and commodify these abstractions for their own gain. At the heart of this struggle lies the power of abstraction itself, the ability to shape reality by transforming the virtual into the actual.

The Hacker Class: Abstracters of New Worlds

The hacker class consists of those who possess the skills and knowledge to create and manipulate abstractions. They are the innovators, the problem-solvers, and the creators who shape the digital landscape through their ability to turn raw data into new concepts, perceptions, and sensations. Hackers view the world as a playground for their creative endeavors, seeing potential where others see only chaos. Through their abstractions, they have the power to shape reality itself.

The Vectoralist Class: Monopolizers of Abstraction

In contrast to the hacker class, the vectoralist class seeks to control and commodify abstractions for their own benefit. Named for their control over the vectors of information flow, such as communication networks and intellectual property rights, the vectoralist class represents the dominant force in the digital economy. By monopolizing abstractions, they limit access to knowledge and stifle innovation, maintaining their power and control at the expense of the wider community.

The Struggle for Autonomy and the Ownership Paradox

Hackers find themselves in a constant struggle to maintain their autonomy in the face of the vectoralist class’s attempts to control and exploit their creations. Some hackers choose to compromise their ideals for financial gain, while others resist and continue to create freely. This tension within the hacker class is a reflection of the ownership paradox: despite their power to create, hackers do not truly own their creations. Instead, their abstractions take on a life of their own, shaping the thoughts, actions, and identities of their creators.

Abstraction: Touching the Virtual, Actualizing the Real

At the core of the hacker attitude lies the power of abstraction, the ability to touch the virtual and make it actual. Hackers recognize that the virtual is not merely a realm of potential, but a space where new worlds can be brought into being. By manipulating the virtual through their abstractions, hackers have the capacity to shape reality in profound ways. This power, however, comes with a responsibility to consider the consequences of their creations and to use their skills for the greater good.

The Need for Solidarity and Alliances

To resist the monopolization of abstractions by the vectoralist class, hackers must find ways to overcome the divisions within their own class and forge alliances with other groups in society. By recognizing their common interests and working together, hackers can create a more open, equitable, and innovative digital future. This requires a new understanding of the hacker class itself, one that transcends individual differences and emphasizes the collective power of abstraction.

Envisioning a Future of Free Abstraction

The ultimate goal of the hacker class should be to create a world in which abstractions are freely created, shared, and used for the benefit of all. This requires not only resisting the monopolization of abstractions by the vectoralist class but also actively working to build alternative structures and systems that promote collaboration, openness, and innovation. By embracing their role as the abstracters of new worlds, hackers can help shape a future in which the power of abstraction is harnessed for the common good.


The struggle between the hacker class and the vectoralist class is, at its core, a battle over the control and use of abstractions. As the creators and manipulators of these abstractions, hackers have the power to shape reality by transforming the virtual into the actual. To fully realize this potential, however, hackers must overcome the divisions within their own class, forge alliances with others, and work towards a future in which abstractions are freely created and shared. Only then can the true power of abstraction be harnessed for the benefit of all.

Inspiration: Hacker Manifesto How To Become A Hacker Hackers and Painters