a pocket dictionary of funny sounding words for a funny looking 21st century

  1. loquacious (yappy way to say yappy. eg. you may be loquacious but you valid as fk)
  2. unslay (opposite of slay)
  3. home is where the homies are at (live with people who inspire you. where you live is one of the most impactful decisions to make in life)
  4. yappy max (saying a lot but not really saying anything)
  5. whimsy max (doing interesting things for the sake of doing interesting things)
  6. preempting ( temporarily interrupting an executing task, with the intention of resuming it at a later time. overthinking and doubting is a form of preempting; constantly switching directions (distraction) when you’re directionally correct)
  7. “we are SO back” (the lows appreciate the high. it feels amazing to recover from a low, so expect to feel amazing later when you’re feeling low)
  8. living large (to live like a very wealthy and successful person. i.e. health is wealth: eat good, gym good, sleep good to feel good to do good to be good)
  9. skill issue (or skill diff when comparing with others) it takes focus and resourcefulness to get good and overcome skill issue. also known as skissue; get better thx
  10. principle of vibe (if vibe, do it. trust your gut)
  11. boy math (using funny looking math to delude something into making sense: if I pay for the hotel and ticket for japan right now, i’ll be going to japan for free in a month)
  12. delulu (you have to be delulu to get anything done)
  13. coping (to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and difficulties). to do things that make you feel less bad about yourself. most cope is a fleeting sense of hope. lasting cope is just doing the work.
  14. midwit curve (simplest tends to be best. note-taking software especially)
  15. big if true (large if factual; if what you are saying is accurate, then this is huge news)
  16. i’m on that bullshit (pseudo-reason, a plausible-sounding explanation for why you do what you do)
  17. dialed (focused)
  18. locked in (even more focused)
  19. esoteric (back-handed compliment for people who try to sound smart)
  20. wordcel (master the tongue)
  21. shape rotator (master the numbers)
  22. acoustic (pseudo-autism)
  23. this is the tech (proposed best way to do things)
  24. cache miss (doing something that’s right most of the times but wrong this time)
  25. prompt injection (out of distribution event that throws you off)
  26. GAN (generative adversarial network):you can be great alone, but you can’t be your best alone. you can only achieve your greatest potential is through being challenged by others.
  27. nakama (life-long friend)
  28. based (courage to speak the truth; to call out things as it is; seeing reality as it is, not how it should be)
  29. ngmi: not going to make it
  30. doomer: replaces trust and abundance with fear and scarcity
  31. wagmi: we’re all going to make it
  32. lfg: let’s fking go
  33. fk it we ball; replace fear and scarcity with trust and abundance
  34. yessir (sounds good)
  35. ty king (thank you)
  36. sg (sounds good)
  37. mb (my bad)
  38. np (no problem)
  39. npc (non-player character; no personality character)
  40. mc (main character)
  41. pc (politically correct)
  42. afk (away from keyboard)
  43. gm (good morning)
  44. zamn (damn but more exotic)
  45. ethnic (PC way to be racist)
  46. canon (original content)
  47. filler arc (when you’re passing the time before the training and tournament arc)
  48. training arc
  49. tournament arc
  50. grift of the gifter
  51. ea (effective altruism)
  52. gift of the grifter
  53. e/acc (effective accelerationism)
  54. minmax (minimizes the worst-case scenario or maximum potential loss)
  55. minimax (esoteric game theory that shows maximizing the worst case, i.e. the getting a better best worst case is the smart way to play two player zero sum games)
  56. cooking but nobody is hungry
  57. lifes guarantees: death, taxes, and yapping
  58. sussy (kinda suspicious, or sus)
  59. argmax (looking for excuse to get worked up)
  60. topological (acoustic way of saying “same”, refers to validity of two arguments comparison. like a stretchy rubber sheet that stays the same no matter how you bend it)
  61. isomorphic (another acoustic way of saying “same”, like a multilingual conversation that conveys the same meaning regardless of the language spoken. refers to the fact that they’re structurally equivalent)
  62. short circuit (jumping straight into it, leaving the rest of the brain wondering what just happened)

collected from a verbiage exchange program across imessage group chats